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2014 Latest Citrix 1Y0-A24 Exam Demo Free Download!

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A network administrator requested that the XenServer administrator of a resource pool separate virtual machine backup traffic from guest traffic so that virtual machine backup traffic is routed to an external backup server. Which action must the XenServer administrator take to complete this task?

A.    Create a VLAN for backup traffic
B.    Assign QoS on the backup traffic
C.    Create an internal network for backup traffic
D.    Assign a dedicated interface for the backup traffic

Answer: D

To successfully configure Role Based Access Control, an administrator must ensure that Active Directory servers are______and______.? (Choose the two correct upturns to complete the sentence)

A.    SMB enabled
B.    Using LDAP authentication
C.    Using Kerberos authentication
D.    synchronized with XenServer using NTP

Answer: CD

Scenario: A resource pool contains three XenServer hosts. An administrator is NOT able to configure the high availability feature. Which two types of storage are supported by the resource pool? (Choose two)

A.    CIFS
B.    NFS
C.    iSCSI
D.    Fibre Channel

Answer: AB

Scenario: Four physical NlCs are accessible to XenServer. Two NICs are currently in use. An administrator looks at the performance tab and notices that NIC utilization is approaching maximum bandwidth.
Which can the administrator create to improve performance?

A.    Guest VLAN
B.    Internal network
C.    Bond for management traffic
D.    Bond for guest virtual machine traffic

Answer: D

Which scenario would t tie appropriate to implement Storage link Gateways in Xenserver environment?

A.    Virtual machines will be deployed through Lab Manager
B.    The performance alert and reporting service will be utilized
C.    There must be access to native array configuration features
D.    Multiple network protocols are used in the utilization environment

Answer: C

An administrator has to set up a virtual machine to provide DHCP and PXE roles for different provisioning services targets running in different VLANs and subnets. Which two kinds of networks should the administrator add to this virtual machine? (Choose two) A.
Bonded network with tagged VLAN option

A.    Internal network with tagged VLAN option
B.    External network with tagged VLAN option
C.    Management network with tagged VLAN option

Answer: AC

Scenario: An administrator needs to make a number of CD images available to all of the virtual machines attached to a physical XenServer host the administrator has a single NFS export available on which to store these images. The NFS export has following characteristics.
-ip address
-NFS Export /CDs
Which CU command must the administrator execute to create the storage repository?

A.    xe sr-create host-uuid=<valis_uuid content type=user name label=<*example SR*>location=*\\\cds*
B.    xe sr-create host-uuid=<valis_uuid content type=iso name-label=<*example SR*> location=**
C.    xe sr-create host-uuid=<valis_uuid content type= iso name-label=<*example SR*> location=*\\*
D.    xe sr-create host-uuid=<valis_uuid content type=user physical-size=7000000 name label=<* example
SR*> location=**

Answer: C

Which two steps must an administrator take to license a host in XenServer Enterprise Edition? (Choose 2)

A.    Specify the Citrix License Server name
B.    Add the license file to the Citrix License Server
C.    Apply the UC license file using License Manager
D.    Apply the XSUC license file using License Manager

Answer: AB

XenServer administrator wishes to move all iSCSI and NFS storage traffic to dedicated network called storage network
Which two steps must the administrator complete to configure the network interface so that only iSCSI and NFS storage traffic use the network interface? (Choose two)

A.    Add the dedicated storage network to all virtual machines.
B.    Replace the primary management interface with the new storage network
C.    Ensure that the storage repositories are only routable from storage network IP subnet
D.    Assign the dedicated storage network as a secondary management interface within XenCentre

Answer: CD

Scenario: A XenServer administrator needs to add several new servers to new recourse pool. A network band is required for general use by the virtual machines with in the resources pool; all other network functions will be carried out through other physical NICs.
The resource pool has just been created, and only the master server currently resides in the pool.
Which two steps should be taken to create the bind according to best practices?

A.    Enable high availability on the resource pool.
B.    Join standalone server to the resource pool.
C.    Create the bond on the master server before adding servers to the pool.
D.    Create the bond on the stand alone servers before joining the resource pool.

Answer: BC

Which scenario would require a XenServer administrator to ensure that the time on the physical server
hosting a virtual machine and the time on the virtual machine match?

A.    A snapshot of the virtual machine will be taken.
B.    Migration will be performed on the virtual machine.
C.    Workload Balancing will be instated on the virtual machine
D.    The virtual machine will be moved from a storage repository.

Answer: C

Scenario: A XenServer administrator needs to take a host offline for repair. The resource pool consists of two servers, but it does NOT have enough available resources to keep all of the virtual machines running The administrator is NOT allowed to shut down any virtual machines currently running are the host. When action must the administrator take to meet the needs of the scenario?

A.    Export the virtual machines to another resource pod.
B.    Add a server to create a heterogeneous resource pool
C.    Import a backup of the virtual machines to another resource pool
D.    Force the virtual machines to the other server m the resource pool

Answer: C

Scenario: A XenServer administrator verify that one of the server in a pool has above average memory and CPU utilization Upon examining the server, the administrator noticed that it is running more virtual machines than other servers in the pool. To evenly distribute virtual machine loads across hosts, the administrator decided to migrate some of the running virtual machines to other servers with less load, however, when attempting to migrate the virtual machines, the administrator noticed that migration option is not available.
What is preventing the migrate option from being available to the running virtual machines?

A.    XenServer Tools are not installed.
B.    World load balancing is not enabled.
C.    The virtual machines are running in the host set as the master for the pool.
D.    Virtual machines were provisioned using fast cloning instead of full copy.

Answer: A

Scenario: An administrator is maintaining 100 virtual machines with the same application installed. Storage is limited and management has requested server consolidation to save storage.
Which action must the administrator take to meet the needs of the scenario?

A.    Convert virtual servers to physical servers to save storage on the SAN.
B.    Use Storage link to manage the storage array and only use fast cloning.
C.    Use Workload Balancing to maximize the density of the XenServer host.
D.    Use Provisioning services to capture a virtual machine and put it into standards mode.

Answer: D

Scenario: An administrator needs to duplicate a physical server to a virtualized environment. The server runs crucial software and CANNOT be powered off. Which consideration must the administrator take when using XenConvert to accomplish this task?

A.    The physical server must be rebooted prior to imaging it.
B.    The physical server will be converted to VHD-format disk image
C.    The physical server will be converted to VMDK-format disk image.
D.    The hardware of the physical server must be the same as the XenServer host

Answer: B
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